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FBOMB Fall13

It's come to that time of year, to peruse the FBOMB goods courtesy of fine peeps at Dela Cruz Pr and Agence Royal.  Fall12 is long gone and Spring13 is among us, so it is time to cast our gaze forward to Fall13 and muse about a winter wardrobe.  I'm on a texture and pattern trip right now so let's go in a little closer.

Lifetime Collective shows off their prints for the season

California beach babe swimwear L-Space mixes their signature fringe bikini tops with a little pattern

Stance Socks: patterns for your feet, nuff said

Black on black velvety paterns on denim by the Danes that bring you minimum

Bring the party to your ears! Comfy headphones by Urbanears

Speaking of headphones, I got to try out these super sexy leather and suede model by the super fancy Swedes at Molami

Agence Royal babe Audrey tests out a Molami headset


Baby Love

Andrew takes his daughter Ava for a spin in the air. Abstraction and taupey colours ensue.


Lapinsec - The Carter Family

The advent of social media has made it possible to "friend" or "follow" acquaintances, long lost friends, strangers and a gamut of other souls who we normally do not have the chance to call or cross paths and say "hi, how are you?"  When the use of monikers enter the game, all of a sudden you are searching your brain for where/how you would know this person, looking for a profile picture of sorts that can jog you memory.

This is what happened when Lapinsec started following my Instagram feed.  I searched my brain and squinted at the itty-bitty image that represents the user.  Ok, I got it! Follow back.  What began to fill my feed were beautiful drawings, watercolours and sketches of people, places and imagined things.  Then I saw it-BAM! The perfect gift of art I am always on the hunt for.  The Carter Family: in monochromatic watercolour.

Above left, the work in its new home.  Above right, a closer look from Lapinsec's blog
An image from 1927 from here

We arranged to meet so I could purchase the work.  The first thing I asked Lapinsec was: so how do we know each other again?  Raves right?  Raves circa late 90s early 00s? how the times change.


Laurent Grasso & Neon

One of the exhibits currently on view at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal is Laurent Grasso's Uraniborg.  A multimedia show that transforms the gallery space into a dark labyrinth.  While orienting oneself through the corridors, the viewer is presented with Grasso's paintings, installations, and videos juxtaposed with true historical artifacts to create what he calls "false historical memory." In the darkness neon installations offer a source of light.

visibility is a trap

video and neon stars, installation view

 Close up of the neon stars


Little Burgundy 5ans

Little Burgundy, the shoe store once called Stoneridge for those with a good memory, just celebrated it's fifth year of being the purveyor of trendy brands of footwear and accessories.  The banner held a fiesta in conjunction of the launch of the spring edition of the Little Burgundy magazine.  Grilled cheese sandwiches (which I love!) and chocolate covered raisins were on the menu.  Good times ensued.

The magazine centered around the theme of "under construction"

Alex Hercule builds upon the construction theme

party shot!

 party favours! high five indeed


Satay Brothers

I met Mat Winnicki back in the day when I worked in a retail shop and he worked across the street in a busy cafe/restaurant.  Smiles, nods and have a good days were the amount of exchange with had during the bustle of the lunch rushes.  I think the longest conversation we had was when he came into the shop to wish me luck into the world of freelance during my last days in retail.  We shared a bottle of Pop champagne, exchanged email addresses and said stay in touch.

A food tasting back in 2010, (I hoard pictures)

Over the years sporadic emails were bounced back and forth and delicious food adventures were had. One day an invite to a food tasting chez business savy brother Alex, popped up in my inbox.  The menu was to feature Singaporean street food and I said "hell yeah!" This was my kind of market research.  These tastings would become the building blocks to the Satay Brothers' hawker style counter, which has become very much beloved at the Atwater market during the summers.  I finally went to the winter location a few blocks away to enjoy a meal during a packed lunchtime.

Buns! Buns! Buns! To be filled with pork or tofu


Bros before hos, with respect to your mom.  Yup, mother Kim inspired the cuisine and can be seen regularly in the kitchen working her skills alongside her sons.  That's love baby!  Speaking of love-if you want to read an actual review/raves, check them out on their slick site and view some tasty pics while you're at it.